Tuesday 21 October 2014

Drafting and planning: 5 cover pictures

This is my magazine cover for the music magazine M. On the front cover is rapper Drake. As the magazine is a niche market I decided to look up other niche magazines and most the fonts they use is simple and brightly colored. So I used simple fonts for my front cover, I made my main cover line in red as it is the main story of the magazine so I want to keep it simple. Also the colour red represents Drake a little as the connotation of red is danger and Drake has the image of being a 'bad boy' with attitude. I then made the cover lines just looking up main stories from the music world. On one of the cover lines I also used a young up and coming music star and portrayed him as the next Drake, to complement the main cover star Drake, as well as pulling in the audience, by acting as a screamer, as the audience will be desperate to see who the 'new Drake' is and why he has been proclaimed as that.
This is my second magazine for M and I decided to call the band Quasi Hendrix. I got this name using the random band name generator, and I decided to make them a hip hop band as I think they look quite hip hop due to their glasses. I then added three more cover lines and once again kept it simple as it is a niche magazine again. I decided to put the main cover line in white to show purity about the band as well as complementing the background. I also included a screamer near the masthead to do with Eminem as this will help me attract an audience who perhaps are not a big fan off hip-hop but like rap.

 This is my third magazine for Music X which is appeals to a cult audience. As you can tell by the background its is a very dark background but the picture of 'BJORK' has a bit of red in it which is why I made my main cover line red to complement it! I then made the other covers line white as it compliments itself on a black background. The fonts I used were more sketchy then the simple fonts I had used before. This was because the image is very dark and sketchy itself so I made the fonts like this to complement and tie in with the cover.
This magazine was mainly rock oriented and has Marylin Manson on the front. Them background is not that dark so I made the cover lines red bar one so they complement the background. I then used a black sketch font, which you usually see on rock oriented magazines as the main cover line. Once again I had to look up bands like Ghost Dance and find out what type of stuff Manson says as I don't know to much on this type of music.

I personally found this the hardest magazine cover to do as the main cover line was supplied for us at the bottom of the page and in a weird font. However I added to that and made it big and bold so it's easy to read. However I kept the main cover lines simple and not as big as usual so that it does not take it away from the main cover stars. I put them in red to fit with the background and to make it similar to the masthead.Red is also used in alternative rock magazine which I decided to make this magazine. I also included bands and events that are similar to Kings Of Leon to help attract alternative rock fans. I also included a screamer by showing the reader that inside is a segment on how Kings Of Leon got to top. This will appeal and attract hardcore fans of King Of Leon as it gives an insight into their career.

1 comment:

    All of the tasks have been completed.

    "M" - Drake
    The magazine looks realistic to an extent.
    It has a good house style that fits in with the magazine.

    "M" - made up band
    Like with the Drake cover a bigger, stronger font could help make the mag look more realistic.

    You have included a cover star credit and an accompanying cover story that adds interest to the cover.

    A good use of font that matches the style of the magazine and also a good use of a 'pug'. This one looks especially realistic because of this.

    You have included relevant cover stories and main cover line that are relevant to the act.

    The main improvement you could do on all of your magazine covers is to change the size of the fonts in accordance to how important the story is to the issue. Things such as Pugs and the cover star's name would stand out more.
