Tuesday 23 December 2014

Drafting and Planning

This is the masthead I have used for my music magazine. I decided to make it it big and bold to catch the audience's eye and also because it is simple yet effective which I aimed to do as I am basing it off NME magazine, and they do that with their masthead. By doing this it also improves my left third which will help me pull in my target audience, as they will be able to distinguish my magazine even if there are a load of other magazines on top of my magazine.I also chose to put the colour as black as this masthead will not have a box, it will just go on the background of my front cover, as shown by this image as it is on a white background which I used for my last front cover. I did this because I know I will always use quite plain backgrounds and the black font complements the plain background well. Also the white background really emphasises the black font and makes it standout thus engraving the logo in my target audiences mind. Finally I decided to change the name of my magazine from LGM magazine to just LGM. LGM stands for 'Loud Global Music'. This name is short, easy to remember and represents Indie Genre which is my music genre for my magazine. The reason I did this was because LGM Magazine is to big a name for a masthead and by changing it to LGM it is short, and easy to remember like NME. It also make's my front cover look more effective as it does not take up as much room as my previous masthead. Also by keeping my masthead short and simple it provides an informal, simple, read for people quickly passing my magazine in the shop.

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